February 2024 Butter Babe: Kayra Alt

Bringing her sweet family in on a regular basis at Reney’s, we have gotten to know Kayra as someone who is kind, patient, genuine and carries peace with every step she takes. When thinking of the theme for this year’s Butter Babes, “She is Faithful and Inspiring” Kayra was definitely someone who measured up to that description. She has taken a few minutes to answer some get to know you questions and we encourage you to read through her answers and be inspired by her sweet spirit!

1. What is the best way to start the day?

The best way for me to start the day is getting up early, before sunrise, having my Carmel Latte’, listening to my calming music on You tube, and reflecting/ praying for my day and over my family. 

2. What is your life verse?

My life verse is one my mother shared with me as a little girl- Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”

3. What gives me hope?

Lately, I’ve been finding hope by looking out my back windows onto the lake that is behind my house. I see birds flying, trees swaying, and the suns rays reflecting off the water. I see Jesus! I see how He loves me and find His peace in my heart. My heart is at rest and gives me strength to know there is hope in life. 

4. How do you best connect with the Lord? 

I best connect with the Lord through music and the outdoors. This type of esthetic allows me to relax and share my thoughts and prayer request with Him. 

5. How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as a loving mother, good wife, and sweet friend. Also, as a person who encouraged others and made people feel at ease. 


March 2024 Butter Babe: Brandi Gurganus


January 2024 Butter Babe: Laurie Howard