July 2022 Butter Babe: Sydney Loper

Sydney Loper is our July 2022 Butter Babe of the Month!

Sydney is the owner of Acton Academy Mobile, a mother of 3, and wife to Ryan Loper. Sydney has been a teacher for many years and was the owner of Play Cafe Mobile. She takes every opportunity to partner with God and say yes to adventure and risk with the Lord!

Take a few minutes to be encouraged and inspired by her responses to these questions!

  1. What is the best way to start the day?

    A creamy coffee + lots of Jesus! Granted, that’s a rare occasion for me with my with 3 little ones, but certainly my ideal way to begin a day!

  2. Describe yourself in 5 words!


  3. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?

    more sleep, more travel, developing deeper relationships, and being able to give more!

  4. What risks are worth taking?

    Every single one!! I’ve always been an instinctual “yes girl”. I’m not afraid to try new things with the stigma of, “But what if I fail?”. Some may call it impulsive, but I call it following what God lays on my heart.
    Does it always work out the way I imagined? Never.
    Do I find a “why”, a lesson learned, a “failing forward” outcome when looking back? Always!

  5. Who inspires you to be better?

    My family. More specifically my sister and my children. My sister is always there believing in me, encouraging me with every step. My kids are always there to be my why, and I hope they grow up able to proudly reflect on the chances their mom said yes to taking, for them!

  6. What is your definition of beautiful?
    There’s not a thing more touching in the world than seeing the heart of Jesus in someone else. Watching someone give with no expectation of return, watching children love with no fear, watching loved ones tear up with pride or joy over other’s accomplishments, that’s beauty!

  7. What have you done that you are most proud of?

    There’s no better compliment than hearing, “You’re kids are so sweet!”. My momma heart bursts with pride when people compliment my children. There’s nothing I’m more proud of than doing my best to instill confidence, love & Jesus in my children’s hearts & watching them go out in the world and show it.

  8. How would you like to be remembered?

    I'd like to be remembered as someone who cared…
    As someone who was willing to take chances & not be afraid to work for change.

    I’d like to be remembered as a mom who worked really hard, every, day, to be a good mom. I fail at that everyday, but I also try hard, every day. There’s nothing more powerful than feeling unconditionally loved, and I want my kids to have that.

    I’d like to be remembered as being a smile in someone else’s day. I’d like to be remembered for making others feel important and valuable.


August 2022 Butter Babe: Kim Williams


June Butter Babe of the Month: Michelle Tice