June Butter Babe of the Month: Michelle Tice

Michelle is such a gift to those who know her! She is a mother, a wife, a board member of Fostering Together Gulf Coast and the co-leader of the Mobile Chapter of the Christian Women’s Business Organization just to name a few. She was asked a few questions about how she does life as a Butter Babe and we are sharing her answers with you! We hope you are as inspired by her responses as we are!

1. What is the best way to start the day?

It's important to know that my relationship with my Savior is the most important relationship in my life. I tried life without him for most of my life until I turned 21, then I finally surrendered to the call of the Holy Spirit and began my walk with Jesus. Every morning when I open my eyes, I try to take a few minutes to thank God for another day to serve him. another day to breathe and exist in His creation. I think it is so important to begin the day with gratitude. To recognize my place in this world as a servant of Jesus, and to praise Him for being God. Then of course coffee....

2. What are some things you have had to unlearn?

One of the main things I had to unlearn was having unrealistic expectations of people. It is the quickest way to be disappointed. People can only give you what they are willing to give and if you expect more then you will always be disappointed. I lean on the Lord for my fulfillment and ask him how I can love and bless others for him. He makes sure I am filled and equipped. It always amazes me how faithful he is, even though he is ALWAYS faithful to His promises.

Another thing I had to unlearn was taking everything personally (still working on this one). In each situation where someone is angry or upset or frustrated, 99% of the time it doesn't have anything to do with you. All you can do is ask if you have done something you need to apologize for, and if they say no, then it is on them. You continue to be loving and kind and a friend, but don't own whatever issue they have. A soft answer turns away wrath. Remember that.

3. What book has impacted you?

Redeeming Love,

(the book not the movie)

Hands down the best book I've ever read. I always struggled with understanding God's love for me because of the life I lived before Christ. This book is such a beautiful representation of how great God's love is for us and how he pursues us despite our vile wickedness.

4. How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as someone who loved Jesus with her whole life and lived her life to serve him by loving others. Seriously, nothing else. I give all I am to Him to use how He will and beg him to make me useful!! I want to be remembered as someone who was kind, humble, and giving and selfless. Someone who fed those who were hungry, gave water to those who are thirsty and clothed those who were naked. Someone who didn't squander away what the Lord gave but instead gave it away to others.

5. What is your definition of beautiful?

Definitely someone who's love for Christ and others radiates throughout them. You know those people who you just love to be around and sit by and listen too?? They are so kind and selfless and humble and the love of Jesus is their motivator for everything. Their words drip with wisdom because of their walk with the Lord and you know you are better just by being in their presence. That is the true definition of beautiful. Beauty truly comes from the inside!

6. What does connection in community look like for you?

Connection to community to me means finding ways to serve. How can I get involved and walk along side my neighbors (anyone in my community) and serve others? Maybe it’s the elderly, foster kids, homeless, the vulnerable, those living with a special need, or maybe it’s just another neighbor needing a friend and a helping hand. I know from experience, finding a way to serve your community is the quickest way to find your tribe. And if you don’t know where to serve, start by asking those around you, “How can I help you?”


July 2022 Butter Babe: Sydney Loper


May 2022 Butter Babe: Meredith Simmerman