May 2022 Butter Babe: Meredith Simmerman

What makes a good life? 

I believe a relationship with Jesus sets the stage for a good life. Building on that, finding your purpose and building your community create meaning and make life fun!

What risks are worth taking?

I believe relationships are worth the risk. Relationships are the currency of life and people are the best investment we can make! Connecting with people is one of the most risky things you can do as you have no control over others and how they respond, but when you find the people who beat to your same rhythm, the reward of community is worth the risk.

What book has impacted you?

There are several books that have left an impact on my life. The Bible being one I have read multiple times and continues to reveal new layers and depths each time I read it. Another book that I have read a few times that has inspired me is called Appointment in Jerusalem. The way the main character follows her dreams and purpose despite all odds and obstacles in admirable and inspiring for my own life.

What does being a Butter Babe mean to you? 

Being a Butter Babe means being a part of something bigger than myself. It looks like community and connection. It looks like having an identity associated with honor and helps create meaning to the stories I have experienced. It means being surrounded and inspired by other amazing women who have walked through the depths and come out on the other side. It is exciting!

What is something you have overcome and how?

I feel like there are always things we will have to overcome, but one of the areas I have made a lot of progress in over the past decade is self-confidence. I have worked hard to learn to love myself, my body, my personality and my path. I have had to work diligently to choose celebration of others instead of comparison that I may not be where they are. I have stood in front of the mirror and spoken truth to myself more times than I can count. I have combatted lies with truth and stopped negative thinking in its tracks. This journey, made possible by Jesus, has empowered me to become confident with my life!

What would be your life motto?

I say this all the time. Life is an adventure! I take each day as it comes and do my best to go with the flow! Life is full of twists and turns and it is all about how you roll with it! Choose to see it as an adventure and have fun with it!


June Butter Babe of the Month: Michelle Tice