October 2022 Butter Babe: Valerie Simmerman

It is only fitting that my mother, Valerie Simmerman, be the October 2022 Butter Babe.

My mother was the original Butter Babe. When I first sent out Butter Babe keychains and encouraging cards, she and my sister Sydney Loper were the first two on my list. Although she is not here to answer any of the questions for this blog, I am going to write answers on her behalf!

1. What is the best way to start the day?

Every day my mom would wake up to my dad having made her breakfast and hot coffee. She would spend time praying and writing in her prayer journal before getting dressed and planning for the day ahead. If it was a weekend, she would enjoy spending time on the front porch watching the birds and looking for deer in the woods!

2. Describe yourself in 5 words!

My mom was one of the most humble people. She never would tell you all the amazing things she did on a regular basis! I know many people would describe her as full of joy, a cheerful giver, selfless, a fighter with a brave spirit, adventurous and so creatively fun!

3. What risks are worth taking?

She would have said “all of them!” My mom was always taking risks! Saying yes to adventure! Poor mom, her 2 girls were too chicken a lot of times! She would want to do something crazy and fun like all of us piling on one moped in a foreign country swerving down streets we had never seen before or approaching a buffalo way to close at Yellowstone Park! She was so fun to be around and lived life encouraging us and others to take those risks for fun, family and memories!

4. What book has impacted you?

My mom always listened to books on tape! We laughed so often because she would sit in the car after dropping us at home and keep listening to the books in her car! Someone would ask where mom was and we would point to the car and laugh! So many times we would get in her vehicle and would hear on the car speaker the author saying something like “chapter 87” and the story continued! We always would laugh about the length of the books and how that’s what we would have to listen to when riding with her!

5. When do you feel truly alive?

My mom had been a Kindergarten teacher for 37 years and definitely came alive when investing in the kids around her helping them create a love for learning. I remember being exhausted after just a few minutes in her classroom of 20-30 five-year olds, but she was loving every minute of it! She also was a big fan of the beach or pool! She could spend hours upon hours out there building sandcastles, hanging with her dog Dixie and reading murder mystery books! My mom was always living her best life and encouraged anyone with her to do the same!

6. What would be your spirit animal?

This most definitely is a butterfly! When my mom was going through cancer 12 years ago (which she beat by the way!) the butterfly became a symbol of hope and freedom in her life! She most definitely exemplified that! She was bright and her joy was infectious! She lived so colorfully and free everywhere she went! If you ever came to our house for a holiday or went to her classroom at any time, you would be amazed at the color and fun she created. She definitely lived free! She was always up for a spontaneous adventure and would say yes to anything fun!

7. What is something you have overcome and how?

For the last 16 months, my mom fought hard with kidney disease, heart issues and other things affecting her body. She was an overcomer because she never, not once, gave up. She chose every day to be brave and she chose hope to keep believing for good things! Even in her battle, she was loving others well, reaching out to serve those in need and be a cheerleader for me and our whole family!

8. What is your definition of beautiful?

I know my mom would have said her family is beautiful! She loved my dad and our whole family so much! She created such a culture of connection and celebration with all of us. She loved having us gather at her house for formal and informal parties, dinners, game days and so much more! She always hosted us for anything as if it was the most important event. She would never serve pizza in a box or chips in their bag. She would always set out her beautiful serving ware and create a space worthy of her family and friends. All of us being together is what was beautiful to her. She made life beautiful!

9. How would you like to be remembered?

My mom is remembered by so many who knew and loved her to be the joy of Jesus! Her smile shifted the room. Her invitation to friendship extended to everyone! She gave when no one was looking. She always went above and beyond, even when she had to go out of her way to do so. She was Teacher of the Year and will be remembered fondly by the hundreds of students she taught and nurtured. She was the best mother for our family, the most adoring wife to my dad and the most fun “Honey” for her grandkids. She made life full and will be remembered fondly by so many! We love you so much mom! Until we meet again!


November 2022 Butter Babe: Sabrina McAnally


September 2022 Butter Babe: Katie Collins