November 2022 Butter Babe: Sabrina McAnally

Sabrina McAnally is our November 2022 Butter Babe of the Month! Sabrina is the type of person that when you meet her, her joy and passion for life rub off on you, even while having just a short conversation. She is a go-getter, a loyal friend and shines Jesus every where she goes! Take a few moments to read through some of her responses and feel inspired to live your best life!

1. What is the best way to start the day?

The best way to start my day is with COFFEE (I love the coffee mate plain powdered creamer—no shame!)! I really enjoy a slow, quiet morning. There’s just something so cozy about the early morning hours. Whether it’s getting ready for work or curling up on the couch on Saturday morning to watch Hallmark, coffee is the best way to start my day! :)

2. Describe yourself in 5 words.

Bold. Passionate. Driven. Consistent. Loyal.

3. What are some things you have had to unlearn?

I have two answers for this one :)

**That opinions are just that. They rarely change a situation. So many opinions are flying from all directions and at times, it can be so overwhelming (especially in the last 2 years). I have had a post-it note stuck to my laptop for the last 2 years that says “my opinion will not change the outcome, but my perspective will change my experience.” My perspective in every situation can change my experience. When situations arise, I can choose my perspective. And I have learned to choose to see the good.

***That life is meant to be lived in every season. There is no sense in putting off that trip, the memory, the new job, the new opportunity, etc because life doesn’t look like you thought it would at 18 years old. Live for today. Everyday.

4. What risks are worth taking?

Any risk that pushes you to grow is worth taking. Risks are scary and they are unknown, but any step in the direction to get you closer to a goal/dream/passion is WORTH IT. Life is not meant to be lived on the sidelines.

5. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Considering I am a teacher, this is a fun question. Outside of the content knowledge that I have taught for years, one of the biggest lessons I teach my students is to be lifelong learners because knowledge is power. Learning can be uncomfortable because it requires intentional work, but growth comes from intentionality. When we know better, we can do better. And while we may not always be reading primary sources from the founding fathers for the rest of our lives (my students would say AMEN!), we can go through life asking questions, digging deeper, and forming our own thoughts instead of conforming to the thoughts of the media.

6. How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as the girl who loved Jesus, loved people, worked hard, and lived BIG. And also as the girl who always wore sequins. ;)


December 2022 Butter Babe: Stacey Vargas


October 2022 Butter Babe: Valerie Simmerman