April 2024 Butter Babe: Sandi Hamilton

Sandi Hamilton has become such a sweet friend of Reney’s Honey Butter over the years! I got to know her even more each year around her birthday when her mother calls us to make sure we deliver a breakfast or lunch item from Reney’s every day of her birthday week! Sandi is a wife and mother and such a kind soul! She carries a peace when she walks in a room and emanates grace! Take a moment to read through her thoughts to be encouraged and get to know her better!

1. What is the best way to start the day?

I love a good, slow Saturday morning! Oftentimes, my two boys will jump in the bed with my husband and me. We just play and laugh. It’s definitely times I will cherish! 

2. What and/or who inspires you and why?

My mom definitely inspires me. She is so loving, caring, supportive, accepting, and determined. She is such an amazing mom and Nana! She loves God above all else and is eager to share about Him! She inspires me to be the best person I can be! 

3. What is something you have always dreamed of doing?

I have always dreamed of having my own business selling crafts and items I create. I have always enjoyed creating things for people that are personalized. 

4. What is your life verse?

My life verse is 2 Timothy 1:7. 

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Even though life is hard and sometimes scary, God is in control and is always with us. My mom used to sing this verse to me growing up when I was scared. I still sing this verse to myself now when I feel fear trying to creep in. 

5. When do you feel truly alive?

I feel truly alive when I’m with the people I love doing things we enjoy. One thing my little family loves doing is going camping in our camper. It’s a great time for us to spend quality time together and make lasting memories. 

6. How do you best connect with the Lord?

Singing worship music and praising Him is the best way I connect with the Lord. It’s a time when I can express my love and my joy to Him, but also express any sadness, pain, or even shame. 


May 2024 Butter Babe: Robin Byrd


March 2024 Butter Babe: Brandi Gurganus