August 2023 Butter Babe: Courtney Cortopassi

Courtney and I met a few years ago when we both attended a wedding show as vendors. I was there with Reney’s Honey Butter promoting our platters and she was setup right next to me representing Chicken Salad Chick as their Catering Manager. The event wasn’t too busy, so we ended up chatting most of the time and became fast friends! As Reney’s was growing and stepping into fundraising with our butter, Courtney took time out of her busy schedule to sit down with me and guide me through the finer details of food fundraising! She has been a gift to Reney’s and is a gift to so many others! She is naturally generous and kind and I know you will be inspired by her answers!

1. Share about a time you took a risk and it paid off!  

I left a job that I was at for almost 10 years to attain my real estate license! It was a scary leap, but I am so happy I took the risk. Becoming a real estate agent was a dream of mine, and I’m thankful for the support I have from my husband and family to have been able to achieve that!

2. What do you love most about this current season of life?  

I love being a mom to my baby girl. My husband and I worked so hard to be in the position to have a baby, and now that she is here she is my biggest joy and I’m so thankful for this season of life!


3. What is God saying to you in life right now? 

I think God is wanting me to be present with Him. I believe He wants me to draw closer to Him, and be more aware of Him in my day to day. 


4. What does being a Butter Babe mean to you?  

Being a Butter Babe means that someone sees something in me that I have a hard time seeing in myself. I strive to embody all the characteristics of a Butter Babe, but we are our own worst critic. It means I need to give myself grace more frequently, and truly embrace how others see me and how God sees me. 

5. How do you best connect with the Lord?  

I connect best with the Lord through reading His Word daily. I wish I could say I’m perfect at this, but unfortunately I am not! But I am so thankful for a God who forgives me for my shortcomings. 

6. What does connection in community look like for you?

Connection looks like being there for people when they need you. Even if they don’t realize they need you or don’t want to be a burden by asking for help but you show up anyway. It could also look like supporting each other with goals and aspirations. 


September 2023 Butter Babe: Leighann Galloway


April 2023 Butter Babe: Ashlee Parker