September 2023 Butter Babe: Leighann Galloway

Leighann has been a faithful customer at Reney’s Honey Butter for a few years now. She has the sweetest presence about her and has created a lovely family with her husband George. Leighann has the sweetest presence and exudes peace everywhere she goes! Take a few moments to connect with her through this post!

  1. How do you best connect with the Lord?

    I feel like I connect best to God when spending time in His creation. When I am exploring what He has made, it helps me rest in who He is. I enjoy a hike to a waterfall, laying in a hammock, staying at a house on a bluff, or simply taking a walk around my neighborhood to help feel His greatness.

  2. What does connection in community look like for you?

    Connection in the community first looks like reminding myself that everyone is created in God’s image. Secondly, trying to find opportunities to make connections as they arise. Thirdly, it is important to me to invest in a core group that helps walk alongside me in this world.

  3. What are you inspired by and why?

    I am inspired by hearing and seeing people live out tough situations and keeping positive attitudes. They inspire me to press through whatever difficulties I might be facing. Life has struggles, but seeing people find their strength and hope in God helps my faith journey also.

  4. What is God saying to you in life right now?

    God is saying lately to remember that the ultimate victory is His. It does not matter what hardships, struggles we face, He wins when it is all said and done. We as believers get to be participants in His victory. He is reminding me to focus on Him and not get so focused on the world’s hardships, tragedies, struggles that are a part of life.

  5. What does a butter babe mean to you?

    When I first thought about what does butter babe mean to me, I struggled to answer it. To be honest, at first, I was thought there are so many others who deserve this more than me.  However, a friend reminded me that my value comes from within. So, remembering to view myself through God’s lens means that I am a butter babe. Also, butter babe characteristics are values I strive to live out daily, not only for myself, but for my daughter who is watching. I want her to know her value is in Christ so I need to believe it myself.

  6. What do you love most about this current season of life?

    I love this season of life because it grants me the privilege of parenting my daughter and son alongside my husband as they learn and grow with inquisitive minds and want to soak in our wisdom.

  7. What is the best way to end your day?

    The best way to end my day is to create/have some quality time with my family. Then enjoy the quiet moments to myself to relax and recharge.


October 2023 Butter Babe: Brittany Pierce


August 2023 Butter Babe: Courtney Cortopassi