October 2023 Butter Babe: Brittany Pierce

If we were to call Brittany her favorite order at Reney’s Honey Butter, her nickname would be Coastie! Brittany has become part of our Butter family at Reney’s and carries such a genuine, joyful, peaceful presence with her. She always has a smile on her face and exudes generosity and grace. Take a few moments to be motivated by her heart!

What is the best way to end your day? 

Curled up with my knit blanket, Netflix and a chocolate chip cookie. Best enjoyed after putting the house to bed (dishes, uniforms, laundry and shower). 

What is something on your dream board? 

To learn how to play the piano! I have wanted to learn for as long as I can remember. I took lessons for a few months (two different times) but ended up having to take a step back in between having children. 

What is God saying to you in life right now? 

Funnily enough, Meredith reaching out to me was a *God wink* within itself. As I was reading this question and crying mind you, I felt the Lord saying, “you still matter. Your goals and your dreams still matter. I haven’t forgotten you.” After years of leading in different areas (worship, committees, etc), I am in a season of life where I am a SAHM (sometimes WAHM) and life looks different than it did a few years ago. It’s easy to let that loop of thoughts cycle, am I doing enough? Am I supposed to doing this or that? Am I even making a difference? But I am and so are you! We don’t have to have a platform to make an impact and be kind. 

Tell us about someone who has made a major impact on your life! 

Besides Jesus, my mom and sister, I’d have to say my closest friend, Christa Rainey. We have known each other for 25 years and I’m only 32! Every time I talk to Christa, we laugh, motivate each other and challenge each other to become better versions of ourselves. She is incredibly talented in all things interior design/real estate and is wise beyond her years. 

Fun fact: she is one of the people I named my daughter after. 

How do you best connect with the Lord?

Worship - 100%

More specifically, worship and prayer time with others. Some of my favorite memories are of prayer/worship time with the band before our college service. To just sit in those moments is life changing/giving. 

Share a time you have overcome fear! 

This is a two part-er that goes hand in hand. Every time I lead worship, speak or sing on stage/in front of others. Show of hands, how many people strongly disliked taking a public speaking course? I had to overcome this fear through repetition/desensitization. Don’t get me wrong, I still get a little nervous but I do it! & I’m proud of myself for that. 

How do you want to be remembered? 

As someone who… 

  • Truly loved others

  • Wasn’t afraid to admit when she was wrong 

  • Strived to be better 

  • Loved her family, organizing and chocolate 

  • Truly made a difference and/or encouraged others 


November 2023 Butter Babe: Stephanie Jones


September 2023 Butter Babe: Leighann Galloway