January 2023 Butter Babe: Kimberly Richardson

There is no better way to start 2023 than to be inspired by one of the most passionate people I have come to know! Kimberly Richardson has such a huge heart for justice and being a voice for the voiceless. She not only has spunk and character, but courage and compassion! Spend a few minutes hearing from her heart and be inspired!

1. What advice would you give to other women who are wanting to live life well?

Well, I cannot help but tell you to put some healthy habits and routines in place (After all, I am a health coach). It really does affect everything else you do! Then, I would say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3:5-6

2. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

Go on a Mission Trip. I went on my first mission trip when I was in my early 20’s and then went on to about 6 more after that. It so positively affected my life And talk with the Lord. Not only did I grow in my spiritual walk with the Lord in those times, but I really appreciated the life we have here even more. It also is where I believe the Lord began working in my heart to be a voice for those without one. I saw poverty on a whole new level in 3rd world countries & it made me want them to have just what we would consider basic needs. After returning home, I had several family members comment to me that they could tell I had changed and they too wanted to go on the next trip.

3. What gives you Hope?

Without a doubt it is the Sunday school answer of “Jesus”. He truly is the author of Hope, and in my life -even in discouraging situations, he reminds me regularly that through him all things are possible and that what may seem impossible with man, is Possible in Him!

4. What is your life verse?

I guess in different seasons of my life I have held different verses close to my heart, but one I have held close the last several years is Genesis 50:20. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”.

5. When do you feel truly alive?

Walking by faith into some insurmountable odds. It has been one of the scariest things I have done, and the most freeing things I have done. Walking in obedience to what I know the Lord is calling me to do - even when it doesn’t make sense, even when I absolutely cannot see how it will work out, and even when those closest to me question me the most. He has never let me down and it has only strengthened my walk with the Lord and his promises to me.

6. What does Connection in Community look like for you?

Finding your people (Tribe) that will encourage you to go after what the Lord is calling you to do, pray for you, and link arms with you to help it come to fruition. For me, I found it a challenge with 2 littles at home, a husband that works shift work, and getting plugged into the small group schedule.  Honestly I was so discouraged that it wasn’t working out with bedtimes & such. Then, I reached out to some friends to see if anyone was interested in doing a Zoom Bible study where we could put kids to bed and then hop on Zoom and all get together, pray for each other, and study the Bible. It has been so good to have this as an option. I love hugging and being with people in person, but at this season in my life - It has been a life saver!

7. If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I would absolutely make sure every foster child in our area had an advocate that would fight for them and be a voice for them in the courtroom. Ideally, that would be the CASA program here, but would make that happen.

8. How would you like to be remembered?

This is a very sobering question, but would want to be remembered for a person that was full of life, loved helping others, had an unashamed burden for helping the children in foster care and beyond. I would want to be remembered by the way I fiercely loved my husband and my 2 precious children (Clayton - 7, and Ella - 2), and for challenging others to stand up for orphans and people without a voice.

9. Tell us more about YOU!

I was born and raised right here in Mobile, Alabama.
Am an identical twin - which pretty regularly gets us in very funny conversations! Lol
Went to Murphy High School then to UAB for Dental Hygiene.
Worked for 20 years in dentistry before making a decision back in 2020 to become a health coach.
I had put on some pounds with 2 babies, being stuck at home on lockdown, and dealing with a little depression, and decided to take back my health. With the help of some friends of ours I lost 30 pounds and my husband lost 75 pounds. It was life changing for us, and we decided to help others do the same. I love helping people change habits, reach their goals, and have lifelong transformation.
I have been married to my husband Michael Richardson for 10 years now.
I am a Momma to Clayton(7) and Ella(2)
I am co-founder of Fostering Together Gulf Coast
I am a Board Member of CASA Mobile.
I am a Christ Follower.
And, an advocate for children in Foster care!!


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